“Ceremony is a Seed, Plant It” The Template
As the creation of a thousand forests is in one acorn, the map of the evolution of the Human entity into a sovereign being able to access any time or energy level in the universe is indelibly written into your genetic codes.
Your ability to activate and integrate the fullness of these codes is a question of energy pathways or electromagnetic circuits in the body.
The design and progression of The Template Ceremonies are a combination code which, through our natural resonance with Sacred Geometry, builds synergy with the vibratory infrastructure of the DNA, reconnecting bio-circuitry permanently.
These are processes that will assist you out of a fear-based perception of the present global situation and allow for a quantum shift.
During these challenging times in our history the highest evolutionary requisite is the achievement of a new paradigm,
understood in the mind
felt in the heart
and made tangible in the body.
16 Ceremonies of The Template are now facilitated
C1 – Original Innocence
C2 – Synthesis
C3 – Sacred Breath
C4 – Source
C5 – Temple of Time
Worldbridger Ceremonies
C6, C7, C8, C9, C10
C11, C12, C13, C14, C15, C16
The Template Ceremonies must be experienced in sequence, but not necessarily all at once.
Claudie Planche regularly facilitates Ceremonies 1 to 6 and the next levels up to the 16th Ceremony, are facilitated by Juliet and Jiva Carter during their annual UK visit.
Juliet and Jiva Carter are the authors of the Books “The Template Workbook” and “Worldbridger” as well as CDs and DVDs. For over 30 years they have been dedicated to the co-creation of Sacred Geometry Ceremonies, have trained facilitators in several countries and are publishing the Ceremonies on film.
Original Innocence
Water, Air, Earth, Fire and Ether

Click here for The Template Original Innocence Video
The first ceremony starts the healing journey and establishes the emotional foundation on which to build our conscious evolution.
The circuits form a template of receptors in our body which specifically respond to the 5 Elements : Water, Air, Earth, Fire and Ether.
During the workshop, the functions of the 12 basic circuits – including the Thymus, Third Eye, Auric, Earth, Solar Plexus & Heart – are explained before their reconnection.
Sacred Geometry
‘Form is the shape of consciousness’

In the Synthesis or Sacred Mariage Ceremony, pathways of electro-magnetic life force are reinstated at both ends of the pranic tube – the occiput and the coccyx – reconnecting the 13th Circuit.
This Ceremony revisits the 5 Elements at a deeper level, in their ultra-organised geometric coherence. 22 basic Sacred Geometry 3D shapes are used to realign our being by providing the resonant frequencies of the higher physics of creation, reawakening the life mandate beyond the reach of genetic manipulation.
The alchemy of the male and female electro-magnetic potencies activates and integrates the creative impulse into form.
The 6th Element
Stellar Radiance

The Sacred Breath Ceremony reconnects 7 respiratory circuits including the Lungs, the Umbilical and the Fontanelle through our natural resonance with stellar geometry, the ‘language of light’.
The reconnection of these circuits enables the pranic system to absorb the full spectrum of prana when we breathe. Breath is life.
Mandalas of Creation
We are the universe

‘We cannot be deceived forever for we are the truth.’
from Worldbridger – Juliet Carter
In this Ceremony we are reconnecting the deepest strata of the human electromagnetic blueprint concerned with the magnitude of our origins.
The mask of ‘god’ is slipping. The Source circuits energetically translate Source intelligence without censorship or mediation into our heart/body/mind.
The alchemical resonance for the reconnection of the 5 Source circuits which include the cerebral cortex, the ‘Temple of remembrance’, is the geometry of the Creation Mandala also known as the Flower of Life.
Time Space Coordinates
The Planetary Matrices

In this ceremony we learn about the cataclysmic disturbance in our solar system. In the mutant paradigm we find ourselves in, ‘corruption is in the matrix’ and is magnified by the enormous magnetic presence of our Moon.
8 Circuits are reconnected through our resonance with planetary hyper-geometry matrices. Corresponding to the Sun, Mercury, Venus, Earth, Mars, Maldek, Jupiter and Saturn, they re-establish our energetic resonance with the living solar system and therefore with our true symbiotic cosmic identity.
Multidimensional Vortices bridging worlds

The 6th Ceremony activates the 1st Ceremony.
The 34th spherical circuit reconnected in this ceremony not only encapsulates the entire circuitry network but also informs and calibrates the other 33 circuits. Our resonance with the vortices of inter-dimensional hyperspace geometries shows the Human natural ability to experience any time or energy level in the universe.
The planetary alignment of December Solstice 2012 is the portal through which the galactic photon wave will enter our neighborhood searching for worldbridgers, for fully reconnected units of bio-circuitry, able to receive and transmit light.
When a critical mass of conscious entities makes this adjustment, a new resonant global field of accelerated collective coherence creates the quantum leap required for planetary transcendence.
‘The Awakening has begun … and it all begins with you.’

This assembled progression of harmonic frequencies follow a specific Fibonacci series. In the Phi-Sonic Resonance Ceremony these tones, in unison with the Template Worldbridger geometry and the Breath of Immortality, activate and integrate all 34 circuits.
C7, C8, C9, C10

The 7th, 8th, 9th and 10th Ceremonies respectively activate the 2nd, 3rd, 4th and 5th Ceremonies.
The information about the 7th Ceremony was received during the Venus Transit in June 2012 and the 8th Ceremony, at the time of the Winter Solstice 2012 Portal. You can read Juliet Carter’s Newsletter about the 7th Ceremony in our Blog. In this process the 8th Ceremony has a stabilising effect .

C11, C12, C13, C14, C15, C16
The 11th, 12th, 13th, 14th, 15th Ceremonies respectively actualise the 1st and 6th, 2nd and 7th, 3rd and 8th, 4th and 9th and 5th and 10th Ceremonies.
The final Ceremony 16 actualises the 6th and 11th Ceremonies.
These Ceremonies feature complex nestings of hyper-geometry pieces as 3D shapes which expand to multiple dimensions.

To participate to these ceremonies you first have to attend Ceremonies 1 to 6 which are regularly facilitated by Claudie Planche in Glastonbury. To consult the next dates, go to Events.
Workshop Facilitator Information
Claudie Planche experienced the first Ceremony called “Original Innocence” in 1998 and has been facilitating The Template Workshops since 2002.
Having hosted some of the first Ceremonies ever, Claudie has a thorough practical knowledge of the transformational power initiated by The Template. Her extensive experience of this work includes the eventful early pioneering days of The Template and its ‘birthing’ in Glastonbury involving hundreds of participants from all over the world. You can read more about this in the Worldbridger book.
Claudie regularly facilitates Talks and Ceremonies 1 to 6 around the UK, including at Stargaia in Glastonbury. She also travels abroad to present Sacred Geometry and The Template internationally.
If you would like to attend a Template Workshop or host an event in your area, please Contact Us.
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For more information, see The Template Books, CDs & DVDs