The Template Ceremony Code 4 Video
Major announcement! The Template Ceremony 4 Code is now available on video.
It is important to watch all the Ceremony videos in sequence:
The Template Ceremony Code 1 video “Ceremony of Original Innocence”
The Template Ceremony Code 2 video “Ceremony of Synthesis”
The Template Ceremony Code 3 video “Sacred Breath”
Flower of Life The Creation Mandala

The Source Ceremony Code 4 on video reconnects 5 electromagnetic pathways in the Human body/mind/spirit system through our natural resonance with the Flower of Life Sacred Geometry. These include the Cerebellum and Cerebral Cortex circuits.
“The Source Ceremony” The Template Code 4
Heartfelt gratitude to Juliet and Jiva Carter for gifting the world with this Free Template Ceremony video. Here are Juliet’s words about the impact of the Ceremony Code 4 within the whole Template model.
The 4th Code is the first in a 3 part series of Codes that connect a wave of circuitry that nest together at the core of the spherical human light body matrix. The 9th and 14th Code complete the phase.
The action of this phase is intrinsic to the deepest strata of self-referencing as fractal aspect of the universal holonom. It speaks to the heart of the human masterpiece. Its function begins the dismantling of the most disempowering claim that can be made upon a living being “I made you, your life is in my keeping” by reconnecting circuitry to recalibrate the individual electromagnetic field to the stimulus response patterns based on the alchemical components of the creative force emanating from the Monad. The source from which the individualisation of autonomous fractal aspects of primordial awareness progress into singularity and relationship.
The 4th Code was scheduled to be released in early 2020. The restrictions that came into affect at that time, and continue to this day, made it NEAR impossible to complete. Perhaps this IS the perfect time for the release of this Code.
Perhaps it has offered an interval during which much of the population has witnessed the scope of the global power holders ability to manipulate the myth in order to validate an agenda of total subjugation. Sound familiar? This has always been the blueprint of ultimate control. It has been possible because humanity is unaware of the scope of their power or their true identity.
If you have taken time to see where the rabbit hole leads you have come to the realisation that it is indeed systemic. How far down have you gone? Have you witnessed that the systemic debasement is not confined to the governing systems of institutional authority but can be detected in the rotting fabric of human integrity that drives humanity to betray themselves and each other to a devastating degree beyond evaluation in Human terms?
Due to the modification of the Human Blueprint circuits of electromagnetic Source Code information have been disconnected, rendering neural networks compromised. The data feed that would connect us to the knowledge of our true identity as a differentiated aspect of source simultaneously honouring and maintaining our singularity has been disengaged. Rendering our psyche vulnerable to manipulation.
The sense of self is continually subjected to inhibitors and regulators of conscious perception as your identity is linked through a consensus monopolised by stereotypical prototypes regulated according to the chosen social engineering program that fits the new narrative. The one that promotes the global agenda.
The 5 double terminated Circuits connected via The Source Code Ceremony are intrinsic to personal sovereignty. Two of the double terminated circuits that are connected via this code enter through the temples and either side of the back of the head feeding primarily into the temporal lobes and the medulla oblongata. Although these circuits are identified for their distinct points of focalised activation they are spherical and holographic. Each sphere meshes into a hyper interference network of symbiotic potency.
The medulla oblongata and the temporal lobes symbiotically affect the 4 lobes of the cerebral cortex that affect memory and movement, processing sensory information such as sight and sound…performing high order functions…such as reasoning…. the ability to process touch and sensation, language and speech.
Within the sensory areas of the brain are ‘association areas’ which give wide spectrum meaning to sensations.
All these circuits symbiotically engage and address birth, breath, life and consciousness ….as they subjoin the endocrine, nervous and respiratory systems
Those who carry out the Master Plan are manipulated by a fear that arises not only from their disconnection from the benevolence of creation but also an entrainment that has established a connection to false benefactors of life. A disengagement from the delivery system of primordial awareness of the living truth, replaced through eons with erroneous archetypes parading as deified entities that have historically taken responsibility for all creation.
This is the time. When the crushing weight of history takes a breath before it engages with the unknowable limitless future. The window is still open
All you own is you.
Remember who you are.Juliet Carter March 2021
The Template Ceremonies 1 to 6
As Template Ambassadors since 2002 we regularly offer weekend Workshops for the Foundation Template Ceremonies 1 to 6 at Stargaia in Glastonbury.
Contact Us to book Workshops or to receive more information.