The Template Newsletter 2015
The 6th, 7th and 8th Ceremonies involved restoring the electromagnetic integrity of the Human design, which established the embodied actuality that not only is our comprehension of Cosmic Order the key that unlocks our ability to commune with Divine Consciousness, but that these codes revealed the Human construct to be a fractal of that holonomic order – by interpreting the geometrically constructed language of light (that is the Human Holon) to be a torsion field, it is revealed that our physical masterpiece is capable of calibrating and aligning with any time or energy level in the universe. The codes in these ceremonies mapped out the bio-electromagnetic template for the resurrection of the Human space time ship. We are portals. We are the technology we have been waiting for.
As these codes hit the Human psyche they came up against the deeply rooted convictions of a race trapped in a paradigm of entropy and mortality. The sonic codes, frequencies and geometries stimulated synaptic activity within the cerebral cortex, where information, relating to the true Human prior to genetic modification, is banked as memory. It’s is no wonder then that the process of deprogramming these ancient neuro pathways of stimulus response patterns – in order to recalibrate to the frequency of the eternal constant – was a bumpy ride. The process continues – however the dynamics have changed with the 10th Ceremony. This newsletter will explain why.
Embodying an actuality is very different to adopting a philosophy. After Ceremony 7 many began to experience intense anxiety as their reinstated electromagnetic calibration to the true continuum instigated the collapse of programs reliant upon the synthetic matrix. As old programs broke down, social disassociation intensified – both internally and externally.
He who controls the past controls the future. He who controls the present controls the past.” – George Orwell, 1984
The 9th Code took a turn away from focusing on the functioning spectrum of human potential and zeroed in on that which suppresses it. It’s clear to those who are investigating the history of messianic, redemptive belief systems that run on arcane subliminal programs powered by shame, guilt and fear – or are aware of the ‘god wars’ that are currently ripping the world apart – that religion is the primary suppressor of Humanity.
The oldest religion of all that systemically generates these systems of belief is confronted in Ceremony 10. Ceremony 9 instigated the disassociation from the erroneous codifications of a supreme, idolised, anthropomorphic “godhead”, identifying in its stead the noosphere of the Sun as the delivery system for the light data that informs the Human of its Sentient Sovereignty.
After the Byron ceremony many were shocked at the instantaneous release of an energetic agenda that (for some) had become a separately motivated consciousness to their own. Prior to that 9th Ceremony they had imagined that they held no allegiance to a religious belief system. And yet there it was not only in the mind as a subliminal belief system but as a living parasitic entity in their bodies.
The code was not to blame for the force and extent of the recalibration that followed it. Rather it was the scope and tenacity of the programming set in place – which Ceremony 9 initiated the dissolution of – and the near unshakable hold it has upon the Human psyche, that caused the extensive and challenging purge on all levels. This is why the Ceremony 9 group returned for the 10th: Not “in spite of” the turbulence the 9th initiated, but because of it – which is a testament to its liberating power, and to the assurance that wherever the 10th would take them, it would be in the direction of further transformation. This was not because they simply trusted the Template, but because they trusted themselves and recognized and owned their process.
The groups who returned to Ceremony 10 a year after experiencing Ceremony 9 were well over a 100 in number. These groups were extraordinary. They embodied the ability to endure the rigours of shamanic initiation and possessed a presence that was distilled from the stormy journey brought on by the relentless and ruthless process of activating and integrating the consequences of coming out of denial at all cost.
The chasm of dissonance between the open eyed perception they had of themselves in contrast to the mechanical post modern consumer society humatron had grown ever wider – and that was the easy part. Considerably more difficult to navigate was the internal system of true growth that requires the release and renewal that defines the essence of the shamanic transformative process. Each layer of re-established electromagnetic feed pealing back another membrane of denial to reveal a latent layer of discernment and insight.
On the morning of the first 10th Ceremony most attendees anticipated the experience in a state of excitement while only a few were apprehensive. The lead up to this event was very different to the 9th. Even as we gathered there was a sense of celebratory anticipation, whereas the 9th Ceremonies were preceded by an almost unbearable tension.
There was no introductory newsletter assuring these groups of the nature of the 10th Ceremony – we ourselves had only recently experienced it. Our initial response to having done so was to hold it back until a booklet had been written about its implications. This was due to the fact that Ceremony 10 addresses the brain entrainment structure that affects human consciousness within an even more primary arcane arena than religion, going straight to the core of the systemic dominion of influence upon Humanity.
“You are a slave, Neo. Like everyone else you were born into bondage. Into a prison that you cannot taste or see or touch. A prison for your mind”. – Morpheus, ‘The Matrix’
Ceremony 10 confronts Human psychogenesis – the origination and development of the psyche that establishes mental function through archetypal arcane systems of codification. Thought that has set into repetition, hardened into belief, ritualized into tradition, crystallized into culture and organized into religion.
The override of this prison of belief is instigated by reconnecting electromagnetically to the codified symmetry of authentic cosmic intelligence that allows for symbiotic evolution between the self, the Earth, the Solar System, the Galaxy, the universe. A relationship in which the true human design unfolds through an organic alignment that supersedes the psycho-cultural entrainment of preordained ideology. This alignment is achieved through a bio computational calibration with the Sun’s Divine directive.
By the time you reach the 9th Ceremony you will have reinstated a considerable amount of circuits of super conductivity. Consequently, as you consciously present your field of awareness to the centrifugal crystalline generator that is the Sun, you exchange primordial data that re enforces your transcendental identity. Sun gazing – and the resultant infusion of your pineal with solar data – is massively enhanced. The 10th Ceremony takes the dynamic of this symbiotic relationship to yet another level, as it initiates the disassociation of our psycho-sensory cognitive process from the domain of the morphogenetic dominance that has been constructed around our planet.
Our lives begin to end the day we become silent about things that matter. – Martin Luther King
There are those who are weighing up whether to attend Ceremony 9 and 10 in the US in light of the “ass kicking” which they have only recently resurfaced from after attending Ceremonies 6 through 8. I think we can all relate to this dilemma. There are also those who did not attend C 9 and 10 in Australia and England due to a different set of circumstances: the process of disassociating from deep addictions to belief systems had become too insistent in relation to the shamanic dynamic of release and renewal set into motion by the intensity of the codes. Some of these folks classified the Template’s acknowledgment of the worldwide manipulation of consciousness – and the recognition of the brutal suffering of our brothers and sisters a short plane ride away – as “being negative”. This sector of the ‘New Age’ is comfortable with the ‘conspiracy theories’ that reveal the dangers of ecocide, fluoride, chemtrails, fracking, inorganic food and any other politically correct cause they can safely align with in their Face Book profile without seeming too crazy. However, they are not ready to identify the core mutation that is causing these issues, and that is ultimately generating the systemic failure of their entire home planet…a genesis of bio-computational entropy that encompasses Humanity’s true origins, history and the modification of its immortal blueprint. From this branch of the New age perspective, it is as though awakening to the human global predicament were somehow unjustified or superfluous to our liberation. There is no comprehensive way to override the psychogenesis of Human thought – and the way in which it has manifested into the brutality and suffering that is so blatantly evident – without identifying the cause.
This hybrid New Age division of pic-n-mix spirituality includes in their devotional worship the chanting of the names of male anthropomorphic gods who are revered within religions that have institutionalized misogyny and the caste system, and yet they profess to be in support of the feminine and in equality for all. This homogenized ideology dismisses the misfortune of others in war torn countries ravaged by genocide as “bad karma” or misuse of the “law of attraction” and is riddled with new age slogans, such as “you create your own reality” and “don’t focus on the negative” cos that’s what’s making genocide happen.
From the beginning of this journey people have lamented the sense of isolation it can bring, no longer resonating with friends and ways in which they used to enjoy socialising. Those who choose the shamanic path of moving into lucidity know it’s not about fitting in…nor is it about being pessimistic or optimistic…it’s being the mystic.
Ignorance is strength – Propaganda slogan from George Orwell ‘s 1984
Those who accuse you of being negative are actually seeing your ability to be ‘lucid without prejudice’ as a direct insult to their belief systems; they make the mistake of thinking you are “against” something, when in fact the process of being “for” your truth creates the side affect of seeing the delusions (which maintain the lies that stabilize this fear based paradigm) for what they are. They see the instinct to disengage from socialized spiritual circles as you separating from them, when actually you are simply unifying with your true self. There is nothing elitist about awakening to what is happening on this planet. It does not create separation. It brings a more authentic connection to others through an expanded capacity for compassion as you gain an extensive knowledge of that which your fellow Humans are suffering through.
This is a heads up with regards to the kind of resistance and judgment you may well come across if you have not experienced it already. There is a growing group of people who are recognising the infiltration of the New Age movement by a new spiritual ‘establishment’ that have a manifesto of homogenised spiritual ethics that comes with a dangerous denial factor. Any discussion of pedophilia, genocide and (in particular) the agenda of alien intervention are not welcome, and can lead to not only being ostracised by them personally but they may try to discredit you publicly on social media.
Both code 9 and 10 are bluntly clear in their focus of renunciation from that which binds us in obedience to all forms of multi sensory, psychocultural entrainment. The Template is not a workshop on how to make this reality work for you, how to feng shui your prison cell or rearrange the deck chairs on your own little Titanic. Those who can see the full overview of the global situation, who can look back objectively at the pattern of war, war and more war that is our history, and can imagine the playing out of the ‘End Game’, are those who will recognize that a model of transcendence is essential. Intrinsic to that model is the ability to transform the electromagnetic morphic field of consensus reality. The solution will not be found at the level of the problem.
Margo asked me to get this newsletter out for those who were uncertain about attending C 9 & 10 in California. It’s quite possible this newsletter has done the opposite! We were going to include letters we have been receiving that endorse these ceremonies but feel it is not appropriate to attend because of what others have experienced. Follow your own council. That said, the completion of all 10 Ceremonies definitely brings consolidation and clarity – across the board, feedback has shown that people are feeling both relieved and liberated. I can say both Jiva and I concur. I have heard from those who did all 10 in one fell swoop and they seem to be enjoying the ride. Regardless you will still wake up within a world in the grip of an apocalypse. Relatively speaking the 10th is chill…but it’s not the blue pill.
The 10th Ceremony has marked 28 years of accumulating and sharing a model of transcendence and the completion of two of its phases. When we realised, in the first Ceremony, that the pituitary, hypothalamus, pineal complex was engaged in the process of reinstating circuits of electromagnetic energy, we understood the scope of the work we were undertaking. It immediately went from a therapeutic method of healing the issues that could allow for better relationships, self fulfilment and love – rendering this mortal life span more acceptable – to a process through which the transcendence of this fear based mortal paradigm was achievable. We knew these organs were active in the production of neuro chemicals and transmitters and that the ability to change brain chemistry was connected to the propensity to access any time or energy level in the universe. It was a matter of receiving, deciphering and utilising light. We recently experienced the beginning of the next phase, which is that of Actualisation. What we experienced of the 11th Ceremony elucidated the trajectory of this path more dynamically than any other.
Not a day passes when we don’t recognise how fortunate we are to be a part of the Template. We send heartfelt thanks to all of you. Thank you for the letters, thank you for sharing with us the stories of your lives and families as they have transformed.
Juliet Carter
The Template Newsletter January 2015
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